To have your own blog isn’t so scary; it’s kind of nice to
know that somebody out there is reading your thoughts and suggestions. When we’d
received this assignment I didn’t had a clue about how to be a blogger. I knew
that people usually blog, because during my first year of studies we had to go
look up a fourth years student’s blog for notes on one of our subjects,
Education. Around that time, who would’ve known that one of these days we all,
as first year students would have our own blogs.
For me blogging and this assignment were kind of nice. Some
people are scared of sharing stuff on the internet, like me of course, but when
I had got the hang of it, it was nice and I’d feel much at ease. Blogging can
take up some time especially when you’re planning for this perfect blog but if
you know what you wants to write about, you won’t even realise how much time
you had spent writing it cause while you were busy typing your blog you think
carefully about what you’re typing but you also enjoy it. That’s my experience
when I’m busy with my blog. It’s just a pity that we’d get so little time to blog.
To top it all off, our lecturer didn’t even show us how to get starting on blogging,
just explained in clear, simple instructions on what to do.
So yes, I’m proud to say this is my blog which I’d figured out
all by myself thanks to our lecturers who’d guided us. It was great doing this
blog and if I would’ve been given a chance to do it all over, I wouldn’t change
a thing. While I was sitting in my room, thinking about what to write and how
to communicate it on my blog, according to what the assignment requires of me,
I realise that by writing these blogs I express how I really feel and what I’d
went through during this year. So by doing this blog, some memorable moments
had arises. Moments which I’ll never forget and wish I could experience it all
over again. All thanks to my blog I can share it with everyone. Yes, I would
say blogging is nice but you must know where to draw the line and not get too
personal otherwise I don’t think you’ll enjoy it.
Hereby I want to end this post by saying huge thumbs up for
my two English lecturers for letting us do this assignment. I think it would
have been nicer if we had started with it earlier in the year, like maybe after
teaching practice during the third quarter seeing that part of the assignment
is where we must decide if the teaching practice had play a role in our views
of a good teacher. This assignment is done and dusted but hey, don’t think I’ll
stop blogging. I want to thank all the role-players, which I’d mentioned in my
previous blog posts, for letting me experience such good memories. Without you
I wouldn’t have had such a good blog. So THANK YOU!!!
wow you state it out well